Providing App Deep Links

Any customer who uses your app can now directly open a product that they see online, either through a social media ad or by searching for it online. This is called app deep linking, and it translates to more customer engagement and higher conversion rate.


What is app deep linking?

App deep linking is a technology that uses the uniform resource identifier (URI) to pass information onto a mobile device. A Shopgate deep link consists of these smart identifiers that tell a smartphone or tablet to open a specific page of your app.

An example URI, or a deep link, that works for your Shopgate mobile app looks like this:

When a smartphone or tablet receives a Shopgate deep link, it first looks for the app that is mentioned in the URI ("App Identifier"). If the app is installed on the device, the action contained in the URI will be executed.

In the example above, the deep link will tell the device to look for the app "My Awesome Shop." If this app is installed, the product "343131333133383235" will open while the coupon code "SALE" will be added to the cart. 

What can I do with it?

Open a page in the app

Using a Shopgate deep link, you can open almost all the pages in your Shopgate apps. For example:

Openpage Path
Open a product detail page $appIdentifier:// item/$productNumberHex
Open a category page $appIdentifier:// category/$categoryNumberHex
Open a page you created at Shopgate  $appIdentifier:// page/$pageURLKey
Open the favorite list $appIdentifier:// favourite_list
Open the cart $appIdentifier:// cart
Open search results $appIdentifier:// search?s=$searchTerm1+$searchTerm2+...

Add a coupon to the cart

Since adding a coupon to the cart only happens in the background, this deep link will open the cart by default.

Add Coupon Query
Add a coupon to the cart $appIdentifier:// ?coupon=$couponCode

It is recommended to open an app page (product, category, app page, etc...) while adding a coupon to the cart. For example:

Add Coupon + OpenPage Path + Query
Open a product detail page $appIdentifier:// item/$productNumberHex/?coupon=$couponCode
Open a category page
$appIdentifier:// category/$categoryNumberHex/?coupon=$couponCode
Open a page you created at Shopgate
$appIdentifier:// page/$pageURLKey/?coupon=$couponCode
Open the cart
$appIdentifier:// cart/?coupon=$couponCode

How do I configure a deep linking URI?

Find the path values

The easiest way to find the path values ​​for a Shopgate deep link is to go to your mobile website. (Not using the Shopgate mobile website? You can still access it  or find the Path Values ​​in your Shopgate Admin.)

actions Configure a deep link from a link of the mobile website
Open a product detail page

Please note: to get the product number of a parent product, do NOT choose any variations (size, color, etc.). To get a product number of a specific variant (eg t-shirts in size XL and color red), apply the variations, and the address field will change to the variant's product number accordingly.

Open a category page
Open a custom page
Search for a product

I need to know more about the deep link structure.

Similar to a URL, a deep link consists of a fixed structure like this:

app identifier

Your shop alias  at Shopgate, (such as myawesomeshop) is the unique App Identifier in your Shopgate mobile URL. 

You can find your shop alias in your Shopgate admin .


There are 5 different Paths you can use:

  • item
  • category
  • favorite_list
  • page
  • cart

Some Paths (pages) use a unique value.

  • item / $productNumberHex *
  • category / $categoryNumberHex *
  • page / $pageURLKey



Where can I find the $productNumberHex or the $categoryNumberHex?

Where can I find the $pageURLKey?


Queries can be used to add a coupon or a tracking parameter to a deep link.

  • ?coupon= $couponCode
  • search?s= $searchQuery


Where can I find the $couponCode?

* The  $productNumberHex  and the $categoryNumberHex are Bin2Hex converted Hex number.

Deep link examples

Using the structure and the parameters explained in the previous section, you can formulate a deep link for your own app. You can choose to use either your shop alias or your shop number at Shopgate to start the URI.

actions deep link
Open a product detail page



Open a category page



Open a custom page



Add a coupon to cart

my_shop_alias://cart/?coupon=WINTER SALE

shopgate-14821://cart/?coupon=WINTER SALE

Open the app home page



Open a product detail page + add a coupon to the cart

my_shop_alias://item/123456789012345678/?coupon=WINTER SALE

shopgate-14821://item/123456789012345678/?coupon=WINTER SALE

Open a category page + add a coupon to the cart

my_shop_alias://category/123456789/?coupon=WINTER SALE

shopgate-14821://category/12345678/?coupon=WINTER SALE

Open a custom page + add a coupon to the cart



Open a search



How do I find the path values?

Where can I find the Bin2Hex converted $productNumberHex?

You can convert a Shopgate product number using an online Bin2Hex converter. For example, you can try this one out. 

Where can I find the $pageURLKey?

You can find the $pageURLKey in your Shopgate Admin  under  Design → Pages .

  1. On this page, select a custom page from the drop-down, then click  Settings on the right.

  2. In the text field URL Key , you will find the $pageURLKey. In most cases, this key should be similar to your page title but with no space between each word.

To learn more about custom pages, read Creating mobile pages with widgets .

Where can I find the $couponCode?

You can find the $couponCode in your Shopgate Admin  under  Marketing →  Coupons .

On this page, you will find your coupons listed in the "Coupon list." Your $couponCode can be found in the first column.