Back In Stock Push Notification

In this article we describe the components of the back-in-stock feature for your app

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What Does the Back-in-Stock Feature Allow Me to Do?

  1. Improve opt-in quota for push: There are many ways to increase acceptance of push messages in your app . One option is to offer your app customers additional added value which Back-in-stock offers. If customers want to opt-in to Back-in-stock, they must opt-in to push notifications.
  2. Increase push conversion: Our numbers show that personalized notifications (e.g. shopping cart reminders) perform exceptionally better than general messages. Back-in-Stock delivers a new use case for push messages that is individually tailored to customer needs. The event only needs to be configured once and then generates additional app revenue.

How Does Back-in-Stock Work for Your App Customers?

After activating Back-in-Stock, your customers will see a button to sign up for notifications when products are sold out. If the customer has not yet activated push notifications, consent will be requested in this dialog. A new subscription is then created. This is also possible without login/registration.

Within the app, the customer has the opportunity to view all active and past subscriptions at any time. This is possible via the app menu. Current subscriptions can also be deleted here.

How do I enable back-in-stock push?

To activate Back-in-Stock in the app, certain requirements must be met. Your app users must have installed the update to app version 11.xx. Please check whether the update for your app has already been released in the App Store. As a rule, the majority of app users have installed the update within a week.

In addition, your app must use frontend version 6.22.0. Shopgate support can then activate the back-in-stock feature for your app. Please feel free to contact us.

Once the feature is active in the app, you can configure the event in the push system .