
If you're based in the US and need to update your payment method, please contact Shopgate support.

Accept invoice and installment payments in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with Payolution.

Shopgate supports Payolution as a payment service provider.

In this article, you will find everything you need to set up payolution as a payment method for your apps and mobile website.

Getting started

Collecting necessary information

To connect your Payolution account at Shopgate, you will need the following credentials and configuration details. Please collect these before you proceed.

If you don't already have a merchant account at payolution, please send a request via this contact form.
Account Info Description

These credentials are provided to you by Payolution.

Payolution's confirmation email
Additional Settings To set up additional charges or discounts, read Setting up additional fees and discounts of a payment.


Setting up Payolution at Shopgate

To set up Payolution as your payment method, please complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopgate Admin page.
  2. Click Settings from the menu bar, then select Payment.
  3. In section titled "Add payment method," start typing "Payolution" and select Invoice or Installment when they appear. If you use both invoice and installment from Payolution, follow these steps to add them one by one.
  4. Enter your Payolution account information in the pop-up window. Your account information will be validated automatically.

  5. Click Save


Adding an extra field for "Birthday"

Payolution requires all customers to enter their birthdays when using this payment. To collect this information, we are providing two options here. Please pick an option that works best for your shop, and ask your Shopgate support expert to add an extra field for entering customer's birthday with the following settings:

Option 1: Adding a birthday field at checkout

This option will show a field at checkout for your customers to enter the birthday. Only those who use payolution are required to enter their birthday. Anyone else can choose whether they want to enter this info or not.

Please ask your Shopgate support expert to add an extra field for entering a customer's birthday with the following settings:

Label Birthday
Internal Field Name birthday
Form Element Type Date
Validationrules(JSON) {"formattedDate":{"rule":["userDefined","CustomValidation","formattedDate"],"allowEmpty":true}}
Belongs to User


Option 2: Adding a mandatory birthday field to the registration form

This will require ALL of your customers to enter a birthday at registration.

Please ask your Shopgate support expert to check the option "Show mandatory birthday field", but no extra field needs to be added.


Payolution is now successfully set up as your payment service provider.