
BigCommerce is available as a shopping cart system at Shopgate.


By setting up the Shopgate App for your BigCommerce shop, you will get these features straight into your mobile shop and apps:

Supported Version Import to BigCommerce
BigCommerce 7   Orders
Sync Export to Shopgate Mobile Shop
Delivery Status "Shipped"
Order Status "Canceled"
Stock Quantity on Product Detail Page


Customer Account Validate, upon Cart Changes
Login with Desktop Shop Account
Login to Desktop Shop with Mobile Account
Customer Groups/Tier Pricing
Show Desktop Orders on Mobile

✔ / ✔
Shipping Method
Payment Method
Product Availability

Supported Payments Notes
  • Customized texts (engravings, T-shirt texts, etc...) can now be entered when ordering a product.
  • Digital products can now be exported to your mobile shop.
  • Shipping restrictions from BigCommerce are not supported.

* Coupons are supported in your mobile shop. However, BigCommerce "Cart-Level Discounts" are currently not supported.

In this article, you will find everything you need to set up the Shopgate App for your BigCommerce shop. 

Build your mobile shop

Building the Shopgate mobile website and apps for your BigCommerce shop can be done in as few as five clicks!

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your BigCommerce account and search for "Shopgate" in Apps → Marketplace. Click on the Shopgate App to open this lightbox. Click Install.

  2. Click Confirm to give Shopgate the necessary access to your BigCommerce backend. Log in to your Shopgate Admin.

  3. A big green "Hooray!" page will open - now you have successfully connected Shopgate eCommerce technology to your BigCommerce backend. Click Configure interface to go to your Shopgate eCommerce backend.

    Congratulations! Now you have successfully created a Shopgate mobile shop. Once importing finishes (meaning, the progress bar disappears), you should be able to see your mobile shop filled with products!

Welcome to the mobile world! 

Customize options

In your Shopgate app, additional options to customized your mobile shop are provided. To locate the options, follow the steps here:

  1. In your BigCommerce account, click Apps, then click the Shopgate app.

  2. This will open your Shopgate admin panel. Click Integration → Shop Interface.

  3. On the Integration page, find your BigCommerce interface and click Actions → Edit.

  4. The Settings page will open. Configure the app behaviors with the options provided here. Click Save.

Now the product and order behaviors in your mobile shop have been customized successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why didn't I see "Start Free Trial" at plugin install?

When the Shopgate App is installed from your BigCommerce App Store, your 14-day free trial will be initiated as soon as you click Start Free Trial.

If you have already started a trial or you are logged in at Shopgate before installing the app, the screen "Start Free Trial" will not show again.

Is it possible to apply BigCommerce's Option Set Rules in my mobile shop?

Yes! The Shopgate technology can import the Option Set Rules from your BigCommerce backend to your mobile shop. However, since the Option Set Rules cannot be reached through BigCommerce's API*, we will need access to your BigCommerce backend.

To do so, please log into your Shopgate Admin and enter a username and password to your BigCommerce backend under Integration → Shop Interface → Actions → Edit. Please note that this will only work if your shop has a valid SSL certificate.

* According to BigCommerce, Option Set Rules are likely to be replaced in the near future.

How do I update the Shopgate app?

You do not need to update an existing Shopgate app - we will update the app automatically for you.